COVID19 Small Business Recovery Virtual Course: Fiscal Year-End Closing Compliance - Module 6 of 8
Thu, Jan 14
This 8-module interactive course is designed to help small business owners understand the importance of business financial strategy planning relating to ongoing financial risk management and impact of COVID-19.

Time & Location
Jan 14, 2021, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
About the Event
This 8-module interactive course is designed to help small business owners understand the importance of business financial strategy planning relating to ongoing financial risk management and impact of COVID-19.
During module 6, participants will learn about any new CARES Act taxe updates and review fiscal year-end closing activities.  We will review if financial activities were closed properly. We will discuss if all end of the year filings and compliance filings were filed timely. If filings were not filed we will give guidance on how they need to be filed and discuss some commonly missed business deductions and any new Cares ACT tax changes. We prepare participants to start forecasting for next 12 month budgets.
Participants are encouraged to complete the entire series for full benefits of the course. Participants can also sign up for no cost one-on-one business advisement with the instructor for an individual assessment and assistance with developing their individual financial strategy plan. The course is led by Trevor Small of Simplified Management Products, LLC.
This is part of Alabama SBDC at ASU Small Business COVID-19 Recovery and Survival Virtual Program consisting of 3 courses (Tax Planning and Financial Management; Cyber Security Awareness; and Recovery and Disaster Planning) designed to provide essential training and advising to small businesses that have been adversely impacted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration for each course and training modules will require individual signups.